It is weird there are more heated posts over this topic than there are over anything else, even pro or anti Bolshevik stuff or the revolution itself!
It reminds me of a music forum I'm on, where there is one album that people fight over. There are 14 albums by the band, and if people like or dislike any of the rest of them but that one it's no big deal. But if that one is discussed all hell breaks loose! People insult each other, call each other stupid, mentally inept, even cussing (which is allowed there) The threads usually end up closed. I have never seen such a reaction on any album by them or any other band!
The thing is, it was their least popular album. The people who like it insult those who didn't like it, that they were insufficient, like the "Emperor's New Clothes" thing, which offends them, and they insult the album and remind them how many people hated it and how poorly it sold, and the personal attacks get worse.
I have tried to analyze why the feelings of it were so strong. One person posted that when you insult the album, it's like insulting your opinion and therefore you personally. I can't understand that, it's only a cd and we all have different preferences. But it's fiercely defended by those who like it, and they HATE the people who try to point out its faults and failures. It must be something like that with this topic, it's something people take personally. Weird parallel, but it's the only other subject that matches what happens here I've ever seen.