Author Topic: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich  (Read 121817 times)

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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #105 on: July 26, 2014, 03:17:20 PM »
Also interesting to contemplate is that from a linguistic point of view (i.e. being able to speak with the locals), NII, who was fluent in French, English and German apart from Russian, was more at home in Western Europe than in many of the western provinces of his empire. In his 1904 diary I came across a visit to "Турмонт" and assumed this to be a place in Western Europa, but it turned out to be the German name (Turmont)! of a Lithuanian town (Turmantas) on the St. Petersburg - Warsaw line. Leaving aside the fact that he very seldom spoke with anyone outside the elite, the only people he could speak with in that small town were the imperial officials and other members of the elite (Polish landowners?) who had learnt Russian and German-Baltic merchants. The Lithuanian peasants were unintelligble to him. Some of the Jews might have known standard German, I don't know if a German-speaker like NII would have understood Yiddish?
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Offline Janet Ashton

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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #106 on: July 27, 2014, 05:23:34 AM »

I might be wrong, but I'm guessing the Russo-Japanese War starting in 1904, and then the political situation in Russia between 1905-08 was so bad he couldn't go outside the country until tensions mellowed. He simply needed to be in Russia at all times.  

That's just my guess for those years but I don't really have any clue about the others, besides maybe the growing family between 1897-1900.

They did travel outside Russia between 1897 and 1900, though - to Darmstadt in November 1897, for example; to Denmark and Darmstadt in 1899.
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Offline Lochlanach

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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #107 on: January 26, 2016, 04:00:35 AM »
Did the family visit the Kaiser at the Schloss in Potsdam or the Neues Palais (in Sansoucci Park) in 1910 ? And where did they stay in Copenhagen in 1901 ? Amalienborg?

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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #109 on: October 11, 2019, 08:28:51 AM »
Standart cruises around Virohlati, Finland including official ceremonial visits within Baltic area:

July 23rd -24th
August 29th
September 17th to October 1st

September 13th to October 7th

August 8th
October 12th to 19th

June 12th to 27th
July 2nd to 16th
July 24th – 25th
July 29th to August 2nd
August 31st to October 20th

June 12th to 25th
June 30th to July 7th

June 15th 
July 8th
July 19th to August 1st

June 18th to August 9th

July 12th to August 10th

June 23rd to July 25th

July 2nd
July 14th to 19th
July 23rd
August 8th to 10th

From “Keisarit Kesalomalla Suomessa” – Jorma & Paivi Tuomi-Nikula, 2002


For your information I just compared some of the dates given here for the cruises made on the Standart with several sources including Nicholas II & the Grand duchesses' diaries and Spiridovich, and unfortunately it seems that most of them are false. Sometimes they are given in Gregorian calendar instead of old style (as for 1906), and sometimes they are completely wrong, (as in 1910 : they were on cruise from June 2 to - at least - the end of the month ; and in 1913 : they left on the Standart from June 9 to July 12, and from August 9 to 14). I haven't yet checked the dates for the other years but I doubt they are right.