Author Topic: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich  (Read 122155 times)

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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #60 on: July 22, 2009, 08:14:14 PM »
That is  very welcome, nena.  A great help to everyone who reads this.
  I will note that Nicholas cites the various books he reads, often aloud to the family in the evening.  I am not  mentioning them, mainly because those readings are mentioned elsewhere and I do not know the authors for the most part.
 Next page-
 27 Dec continued. Walk with Tatiana & Maria.  Accepted  Rayeva.  After tea- cinema. Same content as at Moglieve [?]  Aleksey right hand  from injury fell ill, poor, suffered before the night.
 28 Dec. Accepted Dobrovol'skogo [?] * READ Shirinsky-Shikhmatov on the matters of Palestine.
  Aleksey is better. Breakfast with  with Anya & Groten. Walk with daughters. Accepted Maksimovich
 29 Dec.  Accepted Marmantova and the Il'lna on Red Cross. Then Scheglovitch. Then Fredericks and Tanwyev. Aleksey felt well but lay nevertheless.
 30 Dec.  English ambassador, b'yukenana[?] & Barka. Ural Cossacks deputation. Walk with daughters, Botkin.
 31 Dec. accepted Shuvayeva, Kul'chitskogo [?] and Frederickssa.
 Aleksey hand entirely well. Walk with children.  Accepted gen. of Beylayev then the vsenoschchnoy {??] Midnight public prayer.
 I will pause here to comment- one notices, in just these few days how many times
 Nicholas mentions the time he spends with his children, but Alexandra has not been mentioned once. AV is at breakfast a few times, where was the Empress? Just an interesting point on my part...

 1 Jan.  With daughters to mass.  Aleksey arose.   Mish with the kot[orym] [?] Left for large palace for reception of ministers. ambassodrs, etc.
 Uniform of  "plastunskoy{?}
 2 Jan. Accepted Grigorvichka, Rittkha..... walk in park with daughters . Protopopov, then Taneyev.
 3 Jan. Voyekov, then Shuyaeva. depart.  Pokrovsky. doctor kostrisky [?] who arrived from Yalta. Walk with daughters. Accepted Shakhovskogo.
 Farewell with Aleksey [back to stavka?].


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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #61 on: July 23, 2009, 05:22:03 AM »
Thank you Mr. Hall!

'kotorym' means 'which', while 'vsenoschchnoy' means 'night'. Other words are names, mostly.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 09:44:06 PM by Alixz »
-Ars longa, vita brevis -
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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #62 on: July 28, 2009, 09:29:20 PM »
23   March 1890             Mathilde's Kschessinska's graduation

17   July 1890                Krasnoe Selo

October 1890:               leaves Gatchina 23rd for tour of East etc
                                   Austria:  Vienna
                                   Trieste (rendezvous with George Alexandrovich;  
                                   departure for Greece)

 7 November 1890         Italy - Trieste (departure for Greece)

November                     Greece: Olympia

                                    Athens - to pick up Prince George of Greece (departed,
                Nov. 7th)            

               Egypt:           Cairo
                                   Nile Cruise through Luxor, the Valley of the Kings, etc as
                                   Far as Aswan

December 18::   India    Bombay  (now Mumbai)
                                   Elephanta (Hindu temples)
                                   Roaza (hunting), Dalautabad, Ellora (temples)
                                   Gujerat: Ahmedabad, Palanpur (Islamic culture)
                                   Rajputana: Jodhour, Ajmer, Jaipur, Alwar (temple and  fortresses of the Rajput warrior caste)

January 1891: India still:
                                   Punjab: Lahore, Amritsar, Mathura, Sikranda (Sikh temples and monuments and the remnants of Moghuls                                    including the Taj Mahal
                                   Kanpur  (memorials to the 1857 mutiny)
                                   Benares  (holiest city)
                                   Calcutta (British capital)
                                   Bombay (to say goodbye to George, who was sick)
                                   Trichinopoly (temples)
                                   Madura (before departing for Ceylon)

January 30th:                Tuticorin, India (for departure to Ceylon).
                                   Sri Lanka (known as Ceylon) - Colombo - Kandy (Temple of the Tooth) - Nuwara Eliya (Queen's Cottage) - Urdogawatta                                                

                                   Indonesia (the Dutch East Indies):  Batavia (now known as Jakarta), Bogor (colonial hill station), Papandayan (volcano), Bandung (ancient capital)

March 1891:                 Siam  (now known as Thailand): Bangkok, Bang-pa-in (summer palace), Ayuthaya (ancient capital; there are loads of different ways to spell this and I am not yet sure which is correct now)

                                   Vietnam (French Indo China) - Saigon

                                    Hong Kong

                                   Japan - Tokyo, Nagasaki, Kyoto

29  April 1891               Japan - Otsu

31  May  1891              Vladivostok - to lay the corner stone of the Trans                  
                                   Siberian passenger station

4    August 1891           Krasnoe Selo to be reunited with his parents after the
                                   Saber incident                                        

10  March 1892            Ballet School Graduation

11 March 1892             first visit to MK's house nearby Krasnoe Selo

16 March 1892             St Petersburg

13 January 1893          Berlin for Margaret's wedding (to sound Alix out - he
                                  didn't get to talk to her)

13 March 1893            Crimea

20 June 1893              London, for George and Mary's wedding

10 August 1893           Denmark

2 April 1894                Coburg for Ducky and Ernst's wedding (and to pester

20 April 1894              Betrothal to Alix announced

03 June 1894              England

     July 1894              St Petersburg

14 November 1894     Marriage to Alexandra

15 November 1895     birth of Olga Nicholaevna

14 May 1986              Coronation - Moscow

1896 Aug.                  Austria/Hungary (Vienna)
         Sept.                Denmark (Copenhagen)
         Sept/Oct           Great Britain (Aberdeen, Balmoral)
         Oct.                 France (Paris, Versailles)
         Oct.                 Germany (Darmstadt)

1901 Sept. 18-21        France (Compiegne)
                                Denmark (Copenhagen)

1903                         Hesse - Darmstadt - (for the wedding of Alice of

                                Austria - Vienna - Muerzsteg -

                                Germany - Wiesbaden - Skienewice (little Elizabeth of            
                                Hesse  Died)

1909   June               Sweden  (Stockholm). June 20-21
          July                Germany   (Kiel)
                                France     (Cherbourg)
                                England - Cowes Regatta
          Oct.                Italy (Racconigi)

1910 July                  England - Cowes Regatta

1910   Aug.               Germany (Friedberg, Darmstadt, Hamburg, Potsdam)

                                Latvia - (Riga)

1913 May                  Germany (Berlin)

1914   June               Romania (Constanza)

1915                         Baranovichi (Stavka)

                    In the end of December, Nicholas leaves to new city of Russian Headquarters near the Dnieper River bank - Mogilev, returns back to Tsarskoe Selo in the spring of 1916.

1916 16 Dec. Orsha. Breakfast with 3 Englishmen, Frenchmen and even 3 rumyi [?]  Aleksey played.

 17 Dec.        Always in the railroad car. Tea with staff, conference.

 18 Dec.        Report of Lukomskogo. Then to session with glavnokmand {?}

 19 Dec.        Always in railroad car with Aleksei and daughters, then they went home.  Protopopov at dinner.

 20 Dec.        Daytime with children. Trepova,
21 Dec.         ENTIRE family, photographs. Then BURIAL of Rasputin. [Grigoriya] Reports from Shakovskogo & Ignatiev.
 22 Dec.        Sandro. Patron Saint Day of Anastasia.  Mordvinov.  Protopopov,   Pokrovski.

23 Dec.        Voyeykov then the barge [? in December??]  Protopopov

24 Dec         With daughters to end of mass & vespers. Breakfast Sabin. V.  Kochubeya. Dinner with Anya & N. P. Zanimalsy
25 Dec.         Mass 2 hrs.  Regiments. 5pm Protopopov. Family of deceased Grigory [evening] in Ani. [?, but I assume AV cottage]

 26 Dec.       morning- Grigorovicha & Rittikha.  Railroad regiment sang chorus.  Jaunt with children and dinner with Mordvinov.
 27 Dec.        Reports Shuvayeva & Bulygina.

1916             Mogilev   (Stavka)
16 May 1916 Evpatoria (South Crimea)

« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 03:58:28 PM by Forum Admin »


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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #63 on: July 28, 2009, 09:32:32 PM »
Thank you to everyone who has been helping me to make this chronology a reality.


Newly cut and pasted version just one post up.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2009, 09:52:29 AM by Alixz »


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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #64 on: August 16, 2009, 08:38:49 AM »
To everyone who is interested in this chronology,  Mr. Hall has sent me some of the pages from Nicholas II's diary to sort and post.  However, I have some family issues that I need to address right now.

I will be watching my moderation threads, but I will be posting less for a while.

If anyone wants to keep posting, please do so.

I am still very interested in how much Nicholas and Alexandra travelled during their reign and the itinerary of Nicholas's Trip to the Far East as a Tsarevich.  I hope you are , too.


Offline Joanna

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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #65 on: August 16, 2009, 10:01:58 AM »
Standart cruises around Virohlati, Finland including official ceremonial visits within Baltic area:

July 23rd -24th
August 29th
September 17th to October 1st

September 13th to October 7th

August 8th
October 12th to 19th

June 12th to 27th
July 2nd to 16th
July 24th – 25th
July 29th to August 2nd
August 31st to October 20th

June 12th to 25th
June 30th to July 7th

June 15th 
July 8th
July 19th to August 1st

June 18th to August 9th

July 12th to August 10th

June 23rd to July 25th

July 2nd
July 14th to 19th
July 23rd
August 8th to 10th

From “Keisarit Kesalomalla Suomessa” – Jorma & Paivi Tuomi-Nikula, 2002


Offline nena

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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #66 on: August 18, 2009, 07:12:44 PM »
                                                              Complete Nicholas II 1915 journeys
                                                                           (from 1915 diary)


January 23rd                                                 Stavka
January 26th                                                 Rovno
January 27th                                                 Kiev
January 28th                                                 Poltava
January 29th                                                 Sevastopool
January  30th                                                Ekaterinoslav
February 2nd                                                 back to Tsarskoe Selo
February 24th                                 
            on the Finish road, on the next day he arrived in Helsinki, Finland, on January 26th  he was back to Tsarskoe Selo

March  1st                                                      Baranovichi, Stavka
March 11th                                                     Rovno, and Tsarskoe Selo
March 13th                                                     Izmail, Ukraine (not sure)
April  5th                                                        Stavka (Baranovichi)
April 9th                                                         Lviv, Ukraine
April 10th                                                       railroad Samborg, Khyriv, Peremyshl
April 11th                                                       Lviv
April 14th                                                       Odessa
April 15th                                                       Mykolaiv
April 16th                                                       Sevastopool
April 21st                                                       Tver
April 22nd                                                      Tsarskoe Selo
May 5th                                                         Stavka, on the 14th, he returned back to Tsarskoe Selo
June 9th                                                        on the Baltic
June 11th                                                      Stavka
June 22nd                                                      Belowezh, and back to Stavka
June 28th                                                      Tsarskoe Selo
August 23rd                                                   ‘his own Stavka’, around Mogilev
September 1st                                               Gomel, (he spent August visiting front)
September 22nd                                            Orsha railroad
September 23rd                                             Tsarskoe Selo
October 1st                                                   Pskov, accompanied with Alexei
October 2nd                                                  Rezhitsa
October 3rd                                                   arrival at Mogilev
October 12th                                                 Berdichev, Rovno
October 13th                                                 Volochisk
October 15h                                                  Mogilev
October 19th                                                 Tsarskoe Selo
October 28th                                                  Revel
October 29th                                                  Riga, Pskov
October 30th                                                 Mogilev
November 7th                                                Odessa
November 8th                                                Tiraspol , today Moldova
November 9th                                                Reni
November 10th                                              Balta
November 11th                                              Herson, Nikolaev
November 12th                                              Mogilev
November 18th                                              Tsarskoe Selo
November 25th                                              Mogilev, Stavka
December 5th                                                Tsarskoe Selo
December 13th                                              Mogilev
December 15th                                              Cherni Ostrov, Volochisk, Podvolochisk
December 17th                                              Mogilev
December 19th                                              Orsha (railroad station)
December 20th                                              Zamir
Decembe  23rd                                              Vileyka
December 24th                                             Tsarskoe Selo
December 31st                                              Mogilev, Stavka

Nicholas mentions his and family's visits to Peterhof, Pavlovsk and Ropsha palace, including Winter Palace too. As well as for the Church Services (moleben ) and walking on outings with children too. Places like those are not mentioned in this list, he spent at Tsarskoe Selo.

I hope I succeeded.

-Ars longa, vita brevis -
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Offline Janet Ashton

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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #67 on: September 27, 2009, 06:51:26 AM »
I am not quite sure this is the right thread for this (if not, please can someone post it elsewhere?), but I have uploaded an article about Nicholas's travels in 1890-1 to the other royal site I contribute to....
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many; they are few.


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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #68 on: September 29, 2009, 04:24:28 PM »
Janet - thank you.

I have some information from Robert, but I have been too busy lately to get to sorting and posting it.

thanks again.



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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #69 on: February 15, 2010, 05:28:37 AM »
Hi, is there a map available of the railroad routes when the tsar travelled by rail. One that shows in detail all the routes from date range of one year before the executions up to the last time he travelled by train.

Many Thanks.


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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #70 on: March 12, 2010, 06:45:00 AM »
Hmpf! Obviously no one has I'll to hoof it on over and do it by leg!

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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #71 on: March 12, 2010, 01:27:11 PM »
What a miracle! I was thinking about making the map with all cities in Europe/Asia Nicholas II lived and stayed at. Will do more on that project.
-Ars longa, vita brevis -
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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #72 on: January 22, 2011, 03:48:28 PM »
We forget his trip to Italy in 1902. I wonder why Alexandra didn't went with him!


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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #73 on: January 26, 2011, 07:59:43 PM »

I'm from Mar del Plata, Argentina. It's said  that Nicholas II was at the opening of the luxurious Bristol Hotel here, in Mar del Plata, on January 8, 1888. I found an article of the Caras y Caretas magazine about it (issue #1635, 02/01/1930)

The article said that the tsarevich was a Naval Cadet on instruction trip. May it be true? Or is a mistake, maybe another member of the Imperial Family was here? I couldn't found nothing about this in other sources.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for my english...


Naslednik Norvezhskiy

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Re: Chronology of the Travels of Nicholas II as Tsar and Tsarevich
« Reply #74 on: January 27, 2011, 10:18:28 AM »
Hi, Luciano. Your English is very good!

I'm from Mar del Plata, Argentina. It's said  that Nicholas II was at the opening of the luxurious Bristol Hotel here, in Mar del Plata, on January 8, 1888. I found an article of the Caras y Caretas magazine about it (issue #1635, 02/01/1930)

The article said that the tsarevich was a Naval Cadet on instruction trip. May it be true? Or is a mistake, maybe another member of the Imperial Family was here? I couldn't found nothing about this in other sources.

It was probably another member of the Imperial Family. Nicholas was not in the navy and he only visited the Eastern Hemisphere in his famous "grand tour", the aptly named eastern journey in 1890–1891.

My guess is that it was Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 10:28:35 AM by Фёдор Петрович »