Are there pics of Viktoria Edelsbacher de Gyorok? She was the wife of Egon Thurn und Taxis, brother of Max Anton.
I have found a little bit more information about Princess Viktoria...
She was firstly married a wealthy,but an elderly cousin,General Sigismund Lazar de Ecska(1801-1870),a nobleman of Armenian origin,who was exactly 40 years older then her...they were also related as his mother was Elisabeth Edelsbacher de Gyorok...
They had a daughter Marianne Lazar de Ecska(1867-1893),who later married Felix Maria,Count von Harnoncourt-Unverzagt(1857-1934),Aide de Camp of Archduke Franz Feridnand,with whom she had two daughters and a son,also named Felix-junior(1891-1951)...One Victoria's granddaughter Countess Marie Luise(born in 1888) married Karl von Carstenn-Lichterfelde and the other Countess Alice(born in 1892) married Markgraf Arthur Pallavicini,son of famos Makgraf Johann Pallavicini(1848-1941),Austro-Hungarian ambassador to Turkey,the one who declined Emperor Karl's offer to become a Prime Minister of Austria-Hungary in 1917...
Princess Victoria's first father in law Agoston Lazar de Escka(1768–1833) built so called Castle of Ecska,where Victoria lived with her first husband...The Castle was built in 1820 and at the "opening" of the estate 9 year old wunderkind Franz Liszt was playing for many notable guests,including members of Esterhazy family...The Castle was also visited by the Emperor Franz Josef himself in 1852 and also visited by Crown Prince Rudolf,Archduke Franz Ferdinand,who was there a frequent guest,even visited it one day before his murder in Sarajevo and later also King Alexander of Yugoslavia when he hunted on it's ground...
It was also rumored that Franz Ferdinand had in fact here secretly married Countess Sophie in a Catholic church built by Viktoria's first husband General Sigismund...
The last heir to this castle was Antoinette,who died in US,so there are no more heirs left!Here are some pictures of the Castle,which was nationalized after WW II and today is a hotel:

Here is a picture of Franz Ferdinand from Ecska estate in 1898 with his wife Sophie,Count Felix and his sister Alice,Countess von Hardegg among whose descendants today is Fürstin Theresia zu Schwarzenberg(born Countess von Hardegg),wife of Fürst Karl Johannes zu Schwarzenberg,Czech minister of Foreign Affairs since 2010:

Only a year after her husband's death,Viktoria Edelsbacher de Gyorok married for the second time to Prince Egon Maximilian von Thurn und Taxis(1832-1892).He was very devoted to her and as in Ecska Castle she used to breed horses,Prince organized horse races for rich landowners in Austria-Hungary called "Princess Viktoria's gift" where a winner would get a silver plate...
While living here Princess Victoria was also a patroness of arts and some painters such as Joseph Geugner and Dutch van der Venne painted here...
It is also said that Viktoria didn't treat Marianne,a daughter from her first marriage very well and that she used to put her under House arrest...Anyway,it is said that she managed to escape her mother's "claws" to Vienna where she met Count Felix...the reason for this treatment I don't know

The marriage lasted shortly and was not stable at all,but despite this already sick Marianne left the whole estate to Felix in her will.After her death Count Felix traveled to hunt in Africa and India...He later married Therese von Rothenburg and after his death he left the estate to his Pallavicini descendants...
Here is a picture of Princess Viktoria's son in law,Count Felix von Harnoncourt-Unverzagt: