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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #45 on: September 11, 2007, 10:23:49 PM »

Thank you for your comments and suggestion regarding asking Sandra Romanov specific questions.  May I set the facts straight, I said I knew her and had spoken to her at different times. I further said she seemed to know answers to comments I put to her in conversation, so what I was suggesting was she seemed to have knowledge of what her husband told her during their marriage of about twenty years or so.

I have suggested to her that she look at the hereiditary genetic markings a few Royal Romanov's who's genetic make up produced through their bloodline, identical visible markings that both Czar Nicholas 11 and his son Alexi inherited.  To date she has not responded to show her husband inherited the same. If she does then it proves her claim if not you know the answer.

The heriditary markings have also been inherited in related royals including a few of the Uk Royals. I will disclose what I speak of directly to the head of the Romanov family or the scientist who is conductiing DNA on the two recently found reamains of a boy and girl in Yekaterinburg. if they are not intersted then I will not speak further of DNA evidence on Nicholas 11 or Alexi.

My evidence of facts will be presented to those spoken of, and if they decline my offer, then the true facts of genetic royal blood line that produces the visible markings will not be known, and the true idenity of Alexi's  DNA may never be known.


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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2007, 12:03:10 AM »
IMO, as very religious persons, they can not imagine suicide...

It is not just that consideration, but the simple fact that Alexei was never left alone. The very idea suggested by that professor is preposterous.


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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2007, 12:08:54 AM »

I have suggested to her that she look at the hereiditary genetic markings a few Royal Romanov's who's genetic make up produced through their bloodline, identical visible markings that both Czar Nicholas 11 and his son Alexi inherited.  To date she has not responded to show her husband inherited the same. If she does then it proves her claim if not you know the answer.

The heriditary markings have also been inherited in related royals including a few of the Uk Royals. I will disclose what I speak of directly to the head of the Romanov family or the scientist who is conductiing DNA on the two recently found reamains of a boy and girl in Yekaterinburg. if they are not intersted then I will not speak further of DNA evidence on Nicholas 11 or Alexi.

My evidence of facts will be presented to those spoken of, and if they decline my offer, then the true facts of genetic royal blood line that produces the visible markings will not be known, and the true idenity of Alexi's  DNA may never be known.



What on earth are you trying to say?  What "evidence" are you refering to?


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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2007, 01:45:38 AM »
... their is a lady in Burnaby British Columbia Canada named Sandra Romanov who would know the answer.

... Romanov knows all answers to all questions about past Romanov royals,

... I have had various conversations with her on her husbands claim and not once did she not have true answer.



One question if I may:

Why are so certain that Mrs Tammet provided a "true answer" to your questions about her husband's false claim?


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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #49 on: September 12, 2007, 02:06:44 AM »
As I understand you are a medical scientist, if this is correct you will understand the term complex inheritence. What is passed down through a  blood line is genes and what that gene DNA sequence shows decends down through family lines that share the same ancestor.

What Czar Nicholas 11 inhereited is the spoken about bundle of genes and one particular gene that showed as a visible marker. What Alexis inherited through his fathers shared blood line was the same visble marking, a complex inheritence.

As to disclosing what I speak of I will only do so if the head of the Romanov family contacts me directly and requests he receives such information as he is entitled to recieve the information on behalf of his Romanov family. The second person who I will release my information to is the Chief Russian Scientist conducting the DNA tests on the new found children remains, as his testing is done on behalf of the Russian people.

Thank you for your interest in what has been spoken about.



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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #50 on: September 12, 2007, 02:33:39 AM »
No doubt a great deal of DNA evidence already exists about the Romanovs. I wonder whether the widow of Tammet would be at all interested to see whether his DNA matches the Romanovs who ruled Russia? I guess that is a worthwhile question to clear the air about whether Tammet was in fact related at all to the Romanovs. He should share DNA with Alexandra Feodorovna and Prince Philip if he is who he claimed to be.


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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #51 on: September 12, 2007, 02:56:06 AM »

At the time of questions put forward to her I did not lead into a question but came out with a specific question without giveing her moment to think about the question or questions as well if I made a mistake in pronouciation of a name she would correct me and follow up with more details than I expected including family who were in the palace at a certain times.

As I have said she seems to have all the answers to the questions I have asked of her so she is has expertise of knowlege about the workings of the past Romanov family. What she cannot or does not reply to is that of the inhereietd markings that would clearly establish the facts.

As to the inherited markings I was the one who discovered certain related royals shared the gene that produces the rare markings and through a few respected gentictist I have been discussing with, what I have discovered is a gene that decends down through related Kings , Children of royals, Czars, kaisers, Princes and Princesss. 


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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #52 on: September 12, 2007, 05:15:33 AM »
As to the inherited markings I was the one who discovered certain related royals shared the gene that produces the rare markings and through a few respected gentictist I have been discussing with, what I have discovered is a gene that decends down through related Kings , Children of royals, Czars, kaisers, Princes and Princesss. 

... As to disclosing what I speak of I will only do so if the head of the Romanov family contacts me directly and requests he receives such information.

Who ever you pretend to be, I shall refrain from further communication with you.

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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #53 on: September 12, 2007, 09:06:03 AM »

 I would like to answer this suicide question.  It appeared in two films Nicholas and Alexandra and Anastasia Mystery of Anna. They were both written by the same man James Goldman.  JUST BECAUSE YOU SAW IT IN A MOVIE DOESN'T MAKE IT TRUE!!!!!!!

Further, Aleksei's own diary clearly states that he and Kolya played all day with the sledge/sled (which was a gift from a local merchant) on the steps.


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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #54 on: September 12, 2007, 05:04:06 PM »
Perhaps Aleksei Nikolaevitch had his attack of haemophilia because he played with the sledge on the steps, but it most probably was not a suicide attempt!

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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #55 on: September 12, 2007, 07:47:08 PM »
I have just read a I posted a question about it, it should be directly below this one (unless of course somebody else posted something in the meantime)....which mentions a rumour that there exists a Ukaze (or decree) reportedly written and signed by Nicholas after nearly losing Alexei in Spala, that repealed the male only rule of succession and named Olga as Empress-presumptive should Alexei die. Maybe this is what the teacher was referring to??

... My professor said that there was a document drawn up when Alexei was very young that said he could never be Tsar no matter what.

A couple of weeks ago this same professor also said that Alexei repeatedly tried to kill himself.

And this chap goes by the title of "professor"???  Could you please ask him to offer specific references to support his notions? Those "facts" appear to have by-passed most of us. Thanks.


I would, but I haven't actually seen him in months. This class was last semester and when I eventually transfer to a different university I plan on taking the class over again (though I did receive an A for the course). Did I mention that he also claimed Nicholas and Alexandra had five daughters, that one died very young? I tried correcting him, stating that Massie's book certainly didn't mention a fifth daughter and he replied that Massie's book was "popular" and not credible. I replied yes, because books written by Pulitzer prize winners are frequently just fluff anyway. Looking back on it, I'm lucky that my mouth didn't get in the way of my grade.

As for the latter portion of this thread, I'm curious as to how Sandra Romanov could have been married for forty years to someone whose body was only recently just discovered after being left buried in the woods for ninety years. Math was never my strong suit, but something about that just doesn't add up...


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Not allowed to be Tsar (Who I pretend to be is a citizen what I have is facts)
« Reply #56 on: September 12, 2007, 10:29:27 PM »
You have asked a question who I pretend to be, the answer is a citzen of Canada which I am. I am also  the holder of genetic facts that relate to Czar Nicholas 11 and his son Alexi Romanov inheritence of the undiscovered gene that decend in royal lines.  As most do not decend from royal ancestors we then would not inherit the same.

I can understand the frustration anyone may feel if they are not privy to the facts. As not wanting to speak further with me that is your right  and I will so honor it.

May I wish you a good day



As I understand you are a medical scientist, if this is correct you will understand the term complex inheritence. What is passed down through a  blood line is genes and what that gene DNA sequence shows decends down through family lines that share the same ancestor.

What Czar Nicholas 11 inhereited is the spoken about bundle of genes and one particular gene that showed as a visible marker. What Alexis inherited through his fathers shared blood line was the same visble marking, a complex inheritence.

As to disclosing what I speak of I will only do so if the head of the Romanov family contacts me directly and requests he receives such information as he is entitled to recieve the information on behalf of his Romanov family. The second person who I will release my information to is the Chief Russian Scientist conducting the DNA tests on the new found children remains, as his testing is done on behalf of the Russian people.

Thank you for your interest in what has been spoken about.




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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #57 on: September 13, 2007, 02:14:06 AM »
DNA testing goes through the female line so whatever links there are for Alexis would be through Alexandra Feodorovna. Nicholas would be tested by either a sibling as he was with his younger brother, Grand Duke George or the other alternative his Mother - this did not occur. Alexandra and her daughters were matched by a blood sample from Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, grandson of Victoria Milford Haven, elder sister of Alexandra Feodorovna. 


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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #58 on: September 13, 2007, 01:29:01 PM »

You have pointed out that DNA testing goes through the female line, I presume you are saying all DNA is tested through the mt DNA and not through male decent. You further have advised Alexandera Feodorovna and her daughters were matched by a blood sample from Prince Phillip.

You would also know Czar Nicholas 11, had a rare mutation that matched his brother but not Prince Phillip, Nicholas wife and his daughters found to date.

As Alexandera Feodorovna was a granddaughter of Queen Victoria and the haemophilia gene decended down from Queen Victoria to Alexandra, then passed on to her son Alexi, this would be the route of decent and not through Nicholas 11 his father, do I understand you correctly.

If this is your understanding can you explain how a dominent mutated gene that Nicholas 11 and his brother had, was passed down to Alexi and that gene was not in Prince Phillips DNA gene sequence make up.  Also Prince Phillip and Alexandra DNA make up did not show the same mutation that makes up the visible inhereited markings that Czar Nicholas 11 had and passed on to Alexi.

I want to state I am not a bioligist or a gentictist and when I speak of certain inhereited markings I go by the facts, and from personal inheritence through my German ancestors.

When I speak of royals who had inherited said mentioned markings past and present in related royal lines, I speak of royals, and not of myself. My inheritence decends down through my german ancestry who share the same DNA ancestor that makes up the blood line that is found in a few royals lines.

I was asked I believe from Margarita, who did I pretend to be, my answer was a Canadain which I was born in Canada, but my german ancestry passed down from the same DNA make up of Nicholas 11 and his son, and you know the Romanov linage is of german and Russain ancestry.

You may ask do I think I have royal blood line the answer is No, but I share the identical ancestor that makes up the same DNA blood line.

You may further ask, If I did as I said inherit the same DNA as the royals mentioned how might I prove such inheritence.

The answer is if the head of the Romanov family would care to see the proof of facts by photos of same inhereited markings, I will  provide them to him, as well the Russain Scientist who is conducting the DNA tests on recent remains found.

I would also provide photo or photos of myself to show the same inheritence and my DNA to be examined to see if it matched the mutation Nicholas 11 had.  In closing I can further advise one of my children inhereited the same gentic markings from me, which verifies the inherited markings are DNA blood line produced and are part of a complex inheritence that decends in ancestral family lines. 




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Re: Not allowed to be Tsar?
« Reply #59 on: September 13, 2007, 01:36:22 PM »
duplicate post...
« Last Edit: September 13, 2007, 01:41:56 PM by Helen_A »