You have pointed out that DNA testing goes through the female line, I presume you are saying all DNA is tested through the mt DNA and not through male decent. You further have advised Alexandera Feodorovna and her daughters were matched by a blood sample from Prince Phillip.
You would also know Czar Nicholas 11, had a rare mutation that matched his brother but not Prince Phillip, Nicholas wife and his daughters found to date.
As Alexandera Feodorovna was a granddaughter of Queen Victoria and the haemophilia gene decended down from Queen Victoria to Alexandra, then passed on to her son Alexi, this would be the route of decent and not through Nicholas 11 his father, do I understand you correctly.
If this is your understanding can you explain how a dominent mutated gene that Nicholas 11 and his brother had, was passed down to Alexi and that gene was not in Prince Phillips DNA gene sequence make up. Also Prince Phillip and Alexandra DNA make up did not show the same mutation that makes up the visible inhereited markings that Czar Nicholas 11 had and passed on to Alexi.
I want to state I am not a bioligist or a gentictist and when I speak of certain inhereited markings I go by the facts, and from personal inheritence through my German ancestors.
When I speak of royals who had inherited said mentioned markings past and present in related royal lines, I speak of royals, and not of myself. My inheritence decends down through my german ancestry who share the same DNA ancestor that makes up the blood line that is found in a few royals lines.
I was asked I believe from Margarita, who did I pretend to be, my answer was a Canadain which I was born in Canada, but my german ancestry passed down from the same DNA make up of Nicholas 11 and his son, and you know the Romanov linage is of german and Russain ancestry.
You may ask do I think I have royal blood line the answer is No, but I share the identical ancestor that makes up the same DNA blood line.
You may further ask, If I did as I said inherit the same DNA as the royals mentioned how might I prove such inheritence.
The answer is if the head of the Romanov family would care to see the proof of facts by photos of same inhereited markings, I will provide them to him, as well the Russain Scientist who is conducting the DNA tests on recent remains found.
I would also provide photo or photos of myself to show the same inheritence and my DNA to be examined to see if it matched the mutation Nicholas 11 had. In closing I can further advise one of my children inhereited the same gentic markings from me, which verifies the inherited markings are DNA blood line produced and are part of a complex inheritence that decends in ancestral family lines.