Author Topic: The Romanov Empire  (Read 2169 times)

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The Romanov Empire
« on: March 02, 2007, 02:12:34 AM »
A new book called "The Romanov Empire" by Alan Wood, is due to be published in April. Here's the synopsis from

The Russian dynasty of the Romanov tsars was born in 1613 during an era of intense civil strife with the coronation of Mikhail Fedorivch Romanov; it was destroyed in the revolutionary turmoil of 1917. In the intervening three centuries the relatively small, land-locked kingdom of Muscovy grew into the world's largest land empire. Yet size was no protection for the dynasty, and throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there developed a conflicting triangular relationship which had, at its apex, the tsarist autocratic government and, at the other two angles, the separate forces of mass popular opposition and intellectual dissent. These three elements were in a state of almost continuous tension, mutual antagonism and misunderstanding. As the imperial system of government increased in power, its political, social and economic policies generated the seeds of opposition that eventually led to its destruction. This is the first modern account devoted to an investigation of the Romanov Empire from its inception to its demise. It combines a fascinating study of the personalities and policies of individual autocrats, such as Peter the Great, with an examination of the multifarious challenges to the imperial state they governed and misgoverned.

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Re: The Romanov Empire
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 09:58:22 PM »
A new book called "The Romanov Empire" by Alan Wood, is due to be published in April. Here's the synopsis from

... This is the first modern account devoted to an investigation of the Romanov Empire from its inception to its demise. It combines a fascinating study of the personalities and policies of individual autocrats, such as Peter the Great, with an examination of the multifarious challenges to the imperial state they governed and misgoverned.

It will be interesting to see how such a small publication can aptly cover such a vast field.

The Amazon review is somewhat misleading in claiming that this is the first "modern account" which investigates the entire Romanov Empire. The writer of this review has failed to appreciate the significant new publications that are pouring out from the Russian printers, many of which have leapt onto my shelves.


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