Author Topic: Meshchersk(aya)y Family  (Read 30116 times)

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Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« on: October 17, 2004, 11:57:23 AM »
Prince Yevgeny Meshchersky, 53, a former nuclear engineer, was living in
the Ukraine when communism collapsed. For decades his family had hidden
their aristocratic identity, with good reason. Both his randfathers, he
said, were killed during Stalin's purges in the 1930s.
In 1997 he returned with his wife and children to the family estate of Petroskoye-Alabino, south-west of Moscow. Today the family palace - where,
he sys, Napoleon stayed during his retreat from Moscow - is a ruin.

Ironically, I have just read A Russian Princess Remembers: The Journey from Tsars to  Glasnost by Ekaterina Meshcheskaya who must be a relation to Prince Yevgeny although I am not clear how.  Princess Mesherskaya tells of life at Petroskoye, but has more details about the family home Vesely Podol which she describes as being in the Khorolsk district, Poltava Province in the Ukraine.  I have been trying to track down information on the estate or the family since just reading the book and was amazed to find this reference to the Meshchersky family.  I'm not sure it this is the right thread, but does anyone have info on Vesly Podol or the Meshchersk(aya)y family?
Bob G

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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2004, 09:51:35 PM »
does anyone have info on Vesly Podol or the Meshchersk(aya)y family? Bob G

Hi Bob,

Michael Ignatieff's grandmother (Natasha) belonged to the Mestchersky family. He provides a few insights into this family in his book The Russian Album 1987, Viking Press (a book which has it's own thread elsewhere on this site).  A photograph of Natasha Mestchersky's parents (c. 1890) is included.

I enjoyed reading a Russian Princess Remembers. How profound it must have been for the elderly lady to watch over her childhood Moscow appartment from a bygone era everyday! :'( So much had 'flowed' under her bridge.

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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2004, 09:03:55 AM »
I was told by someone close to the Meshtchersky Family that Ekaterina is most likely NOT a relative and the book should at the very least "be taken with a large grain of salt". The photos she claims to be her childhood home, for example, are NOT of the M. family estate...

So, don't rely on this book for much useful information.

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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2004, 07:50:33 PM »
Well FA, I'm amazed by this revelation. I wonder whose estate is depicted in the photographs? :o

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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2004, 09:31:57 AM »
Nick Nicholson knows the answer to that question. I'll try to email him. He told me, but I've forgotten since.

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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2004, 10:04:24 AM »
One thing I noticed is that the pictures of the Estate labeled Vesely Podol being destroyed for construction materials seems to match the description in the book of the other family estate Petroskoye.  I wondered if the photos were mislabled?
From the book pages 38-39:
"Not for nothing was Petrovskoye called unique.  In the center of the estate, there was a white stone palace, which was decorated with sixteen large columns and eight smaller ones on its four porticoes.  The building was surmounted by a dome covered with white copper, which shown blindingly both in summer and winter.  Two broad fan-shaped stairways led to the main doors, which were guarded by figures of sphinxes and roaring lions with paws upraised."

The pictures show the columns, the sweeping stairways and the lions.  I just assumed it was a translation error.

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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2004, 08:52:23 AM »
I had the chance to visit Pce. Yevgeny Meschersky at his family estate of Petroskoye-Alabino a few years ago.  He was in the midst of heavy restoration of work on the palatial estate.  He was kind enough to take time away from the hard work to invite me and my colleagues inside where he showed us his family tree, photos, books and official documents connected with the Princely title.  

In fact, we are distantly related since one of his relations, Princess Maria Elimovna Mestchersky was the first wife of Paul Demidoff, an ancestral grandfather.  Unfortunately, she died given birth to their son, Elime in 1868.  Pce. Y. Meschersky was familiar with this history.  In fact, the palatial estate was purchased from Anatole N. Demidoff, Paul's uncle, in the mid-19th Century.  I hope to visit Pce Yevgeny on my next trip to Moscow to see how he is progressing with his immense construction project.


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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2004, 08:28:47 AM »
My father, Lev Levovich Meshcherskii, has his birth certificate that states that he has the title of Prince.

Father:                  Lev Levovich Meshcherskii                  05/17/1930-
(Born in Harbin, China)

Grandfather:            Lev Andreyevich Meshcherskii            08/22/1904-1990
(Born in St. Petersburg)
Grandmother:      Maria Mia Langmeier                        06/08/1903-1991

Great-Grandfather: ANDREI STEPANOVICH Meshcherskii      ?-1930/1  (Born in St. Petersburg)
Great-Grandmother: Maria Vasilievna ?                        1876-1968

GG-Grandfather:      STEPAN Meshcherskii

Andrei Stepanovich left St. Petersburg before 1917 (we think) and moved to Harbin, Manchuria.  He died in Harbin in 1930 or 1931. He was the president (or at least a high ranking official) of the Siberian-Manchurian Railroad.

I’m trying to find out how Andrei Stepanovich was related (if at all) to the Meschersky families in Russia.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Can anyone tell me how I may get in touch with Pce. Yevgeny Meschersky in Petroskoye-Alabino?



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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2005, 09:24:40 PM »
I'm looking for any information about the ancestors of Natalya Princess Meshcherskaya who married 1877 Fabrizio Ruffo, Duke of Sasso-Ruffo.  I've got her father as Alexander Vasilovich Meshchersky and mother as Elisabeth Countess Stroganova.  I've found much information on the Stroganov family, but can't find anything on the Meshchersky family.  Anyone help please?


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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2005, 11:28:54 PM »

Born 1822, the second of six sons born to Prince Vasily Ivanovich Meschersky and his wife Baroness Charlotte Borisovna Vittinghof-Schell (d. 1841), the others being: Boris, born 1818; Ivan, born 1826; Sergei, born 1828; Vasily, born 1830; Nikolai, born 1837.

Aleksander Vasilievich had one sister, Princess Elena Vasilievna, (14. I. 1820-7. X. 1905) born in Saint Petersburg and was married in Oscheikino on 6. VIII. 1845 to HSH Prince Calixt Biron von Courland (3. I. 1817-8. III. 1882) and had issue one child Prince Gustav Peter Johannes Biron von Courland.  

Aleksander Vasilievich had three Meschersky uncles all younger than his father, they were: Nikolai (1798- 1858); Sergei (1800-1870) and Peter (1801- ).

His paternal line grandfather was Ivan Sergeivich Meschersky (1775-1851), the second of three sons that were born to Sergei Vasilievich Meschersky (1737-1781).

Alesksander Vasilievich was married to Countess Elizabeth Sergeevna Stroganova.  Alesksander Vasilievich held the Imperial Court post of Stallmeister, Rank III in the Table of Ranks equivalent to an army Lieutenant-General.



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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2005, 10:24:16 PM »
I found the Mestchersky lineage as follows (from Ivan Sergeevich 1775-1851:

Ivan Sergeevich 1775-1851 md. Elena Aleksandrovna Trubetskaya

Sergej Vassilievich 1737-1781 md. Anna or Aleksandra Ivanovna Kuscheleva

Vassily Ivanovich d. 1776
Ivan Petrovich d. 1711
Petr Fedorovich d. 1685
Fedor d. after 1629
Yury  d. aft 1585
Fedor d. aft 1550
Beklemich (baptized Mikhail)
Moukhamet, Prince of Mestchera
Hussem, Prince Chirinsky

As may have been noticed, the wives are lacking in this family tree.  Any ideas of who these princes may have married would be appreciated.


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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2006, 10:50:59 PM »
Does anyone know who Prince Peter Meshchersky (Meshcherskii)(b.1801) married and anything about his family?


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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2006, 02:16:15 AM »
Princely House of Meshchersky
Senior Line, Third Branch

Prince Sergei Vasilievich Meshchersky (1737-1781)  Actual State Councilor to HIM; Member of the Council of the Chancery College of Foreign Relations.
>Prince Vasily Sergeevich Meshchersky

>Prince Ivan Sergeevich Meshchersky (1775-1851)

>>Prince Vasily Ivanovich Meshchersky Actual State Councilor to HIM, Chamberlain at the Imperial Court. Married to Baroness Charlotte Borisovna Fitingof (Wittinghof) who died in 1841. had six sons (information not inserted yet) and one daughter (see below).

>>>Princess Elena Vasilievna Meshcherskaya (1819-?) She married H.S.H. Prince Calixto Biron von Courland.

>>Prince Nikolai Ivanovich Meshchersky (1798-1856) Imperial Guard Colonel.

>>>Prince Emmanuel Nikolaevich Meshchersky (1832-1878) died in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877.

>>Prince Sergei Ivanovich Meshchersky (1800-1870)  Major General.

>>Prince Petr Ivanovich Meshchersky (1801-?) Colonel. Married to Ekaterina Nikolaievna Karamzina (daughter of the famous historian).

>>>Prince Nikolai Petrovich Meshchersky (1829-?) Privy Councilor.

>>>>Prince Vasily Nikolaevich Meshchersky

>>>>Prince Nilolai Nikolaevich Meshchersky

>>>Prince Aleksander Petrovich Meshchersky (1837-?)

>>>Prince Vladimir Petrovich Meshchersky (1839-1914) Actual State Councilor to HIM, Chamberlain at the Imperial Court.

>Prince Petr Sergeevich Meshchersky (1779-1856) Actual Privy Councilor, Senator, Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod, Knight of the Order of Saint Aleksander Nevsky. Married Ekaterina Ivanova Chernysheva

>>Prince Elim Petrovich Meshchersky (1808-1844) Chamberlain at the Imperial Court and Poet.


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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2006, 12:53:47 PM »
And who is Lily  Meshchersky ?


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Re: Meshchersk(aya)y Family
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2006, 12:18:56 AM »
Lily was the nickname used by Princess Natalia Aleksandrovna Meshcherskaya. She was the daughter of Prince Aleksander Vasilievich Meshchersky and his wife Countess Elisaveta Sergeevna Stroganova. Lily was married at Saint Petersburg on 18 May 1877 to Don Fabrizio Sasso-Ruffo, Duca di Sasso-Ruffo, Knight of Honour and Devotion of the Sovereign Militay Order of Malta (17 March 1847-15 April 1911).

The couple had five children: Donna Elena, Donna Marussia, Don Sergio, Donna Olga and Donna Elisabetta.

The youngest child, Donna Elizabetta Fabrizievna Sasso-Ruffo, Duchessa di Sasso-Ruffo, born at Znamenskoye near Kharkov in the Ukraine on 26 December 1886 and died at Wilderness House, Hampton Court, Middlesex, England on 29 October 1940 during a Luftwaffe bombing raid. She married firstly Aleksander Friederici on 17 January 1907 at Tsarskoye-Selo and they were divorced prior to his death in 1916. She married secondly HH Prince Andrei Aleksandrovich of Russia, the son of HIH Grand Duke Aleksander Mikhailovich of Russia and his wife Grand Duchess Ksenia Aleksandrovna of Russia, on 12 June 1918 at Yalta in the Crimea. This union produced three children: Ksenia Andreievna, Mikhail Andreievich and Andrei Andreievich.
