Discussions about Russian History > Imperial Russian History

Gapon - Who was he? What were the consequences of Bloody Sunday?

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It is time that we initiate a fresh thread where we can discuss Gapon.

How and why was he able to influence the factory workers in the first place, and maintain his superior position over the workers until that fateful Sunday?

Which factors contributed to his murder?

And finally, what were the poltical and social consequences of Bloody Sunday?

Margarita  :)

Thank you Margarita for the new thread, I agree its time to narrow down search.
Btw, anyone had a chance to see his autobiography: The story of my life, by Father Gapon, London: Chapman & Hall, 1906.

Book written in English, and printed from his word in 1906


Do you have a copy of this book?

It would be interesting to read about Gapon in his own words.


--- Quote from: vladm on March 09, 2007, 11:57:53 PM ---Thank you Margarita for the new thread, I agree its time to narrow down search.
Btw, anyone had a chance to see his autobiography: The story of my life, by Father Gapon, London: Chapman & Hall, 1906.

Book written in English, and printed from his word in 1906
--- End quote ---

Thank you Vladm! I purchased a tired copy from New Zealand. I was not aware that his book was translated into English.

What I do have is the very recent Russian language publication by Djanibekian, V. G. "Gapon Revolutionary in a Cassock" (Джанибекян, В., Гапон Революцинер в Рясе) who has provided numerous extracts from Gapon's bio as well as a number of other key personalities of the day from both sides of the political sphere. Newspaper extracts are also provided to present a better impression of the events that lead to Bloody Sunday and its aftermath.

I am not aware of Djanibekian's political affiliations, but this new historian has just released this month a new book about Petr Stolypin: "The Mystery of Stolypin's Murder" (Тайна убийства Столыпина) which I am waiting to receive from Moscow.

Gapon is not a person whom I admire but he is a key historic figure in 1905.

Margarita  :)


--- Quote from: Belochka on March 10, 2007, 07:49:00 PM ---
--- Quote from: vladm on March 09, 2007, 11:57:53 PM ---Thank you Margarita for the new thread, I agree its time to narrow down search.
Btw, anyone had a chance to see his autobiography: The story of my life, by Father Gapon, London: Chapman & Hall, 1906.

Book written in English, and printed from his word in 1906
--- End quote ---

Thank you Vladm! I purchased a tired copy from New Zealand. I was not aware that his book was translated into English.
Gapon is not a person whom I admire but he is a key historic figure in 1905.

Margarita  :)

--- End quote ---

Book was written originally in English, and only in 1925 Russian translated reprint was published in Berlin.
Actually Russian version priced like 5 times more (for no reason), because in Russia no one cares about revolution anymore.


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