The book was published by Gilbert's Royal Books. The copyright is listed as 2005 and was printed in Cananda. I bought this on Ebay earlier this year.
It lists Meriel Buchanan as the author and it has 6 chapters.
1. Grand Duchess Marie Pavlona
2. Grand Duchess Olga Nicholaievna
3. Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna
4. Grand Duchess Cyril Vladimirovich
5. Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna
6. Princess Zenaide Yousoupoff
Meriel Buchanan states these intresting things that stood out about Princess Zenaide
1. " She had a remarkable talent for the stage; and, had she been born in another sphere, she might have won fame for both an actress and a dancer, but although there were private theatres at Arkhangelskoie and in the palace on the Moika, which were often used for professional and amateur theatricals, she seldom performed in public herself. "
2. She was " Delicate in health, easily exhausted, essentially feminine"
3. How she almost lost her mind when she saw the body of her dead son Nicholas.
4. How she never complained about her lost fortune or talked about it