Author Topic: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures  (Read 182343 times)

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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2004, 06:36:36 PM »
I heard like many people have said that the Yussupovas in general had a very close relationship to Ella. It was Ella they talked to and Felix liked her very much ( I just finished reading Felix's memiors). Her death upset him very much. They went into exile with Marie. They all left on a ship together I think.


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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2004, 06:49:07 PM »
I have another cuestion, I am curious about what you say Regarding the death of Prince Nicholas Yusupov.
You wrote: "Zenaide had feared the worth, and implored her youngest son to intercede with his brother when she first heard hints of a duel, but Felix maliciously aggravated the situation and unwittingly played a pivotal role in the events that brought it about"
With this you are implying that Felix was  responsible for the death of his Brother.  Could you please explain what did he do to agravate the situation, and what pivotal role he played in his brother's death?

Arturo Vega-Llausás

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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2004, 12:40:30 AM »
I have another cuestion, I am curious about what you say Regarding the death of Prince Nicholas Yusupov.
 You wrote: "Zenaide had feared the worth, and implored her youngest son to intercede with his brother when she first heard hints of a duel, but Felix maliciously aggravated the situation and unwittingly played a pivotal role in the events that brought it about"
 With this you are implying that Felix was  responsible for the death of his Brother.  Could you please explain what did he do to agravate the situation, and what pivotal role he played in his brother's death?

Arturo Vega-Llausás

This information comes from research done by author Gretchen Haskin, who published a lengthy 2 part article on Marina Heyden and Nicholas Yusupov in "Atlantis" about a year ago.  In Marina's memoirs (and this is from memory, so forgive me if I can't be too specific) she makes reference to Felix having had a rather large hand in deceiving her and pushing Nicholas toward her even when their mother forbid the relationship, and acting conspiratorially right before the duel-in essence she alleges that Felix urged Nicholas on, knowing full well that Manteufel would respond with violence.  Gretchen found evidence to support this view in both the Yusupov archive in GARF and also in communication with the two undoubted Yusupov experts alive today, Dr. Idris Traylor and Dr. Ronald Moe.  I can try to dig up the issues and post the relevant information if you're interested.

Greg King


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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2004, 10:54:33 PM »

Where can I find the biography by Greg King on Zenaida Yusupov?

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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2004, 10:03:19 AM »
Almedingen, it is on the Alexander Palace website. Greg was most kind to have written it for us.


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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2004, 03:37:53 PM »

What is the exact title of your Felix Yussupov biography? Thanks.


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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2004, 05:52:23 PM »

What is the exact title of your Felix Yussupov biography? Thanks.


Hi Helen-

In the US: "The Man Who Killed Rasputin: Prince Felix Youssoupov and the Murder That Helped Bring Down the Russian Empire"

In the UK: "The Murder of Rasputin" (they wanted something that sounded more catchy)

Greg King


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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2004, 02:16:48 PM »
Wow.. So Felix Yussupov was  worse than I thought. It must have been terrible for P Zenaida Yussupova to learn her only surviving son was in part responsible for the death of her other son. No wonder she  was in mourning for so many time.
Greg, I would love it, and It would  most interesting if you could post the most relevant information regarding this matter.

Arturo Vega-Llausás
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by valmont »

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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #23 on: February 29, 2004, 08:22:34 AM »
I seem to remember reading (possibly in "The Flight of the Romanovs") that Felix and Irina Yusupov also started a couture house in Paris after the Revolution.  I think they called it "Irfe"--a combination of both of their names.  Has anyone else heard this?  

There is some information to be found on "Irfe" in both my biography of Felix Yusupov and in Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna's second volume of memoirs, and a far more detailed account in the Jacques Ferrand volume mentioned elsewhere in this thread.  But the most significant accumulation of information, along with a number of photographs, can be found in "Beauty in Exile: The Artists, Models, and Nobility Who Fled the Russian Revolution and Influenced the World of Fashion" by Alexandre Vassiliev, published a couple of years ago.  It's a gorgeous book, and an important reference for information on a lot of Russian exiles in Europe.

Greg King


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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2004, 02:48:59 PM »
Where can I find  the articles you are talking about?.  I guess they are not in the web, right?

Arturo Vega-Llausás
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by valmont »


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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2004, 06:31:53 PM »

Thanks very much for the info above re the "Beauty in Exile" book (sorry, as a recovering Luddite, I can't yet figure out how to paste in part of your post)--sounds like just the sort of gorgeous and colorful tome that I love to collect (much to the devastation of my bank account).




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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2004, 02:57:30 PM »
I cut out a tiny article in the Mail Newspaper here in UK, on September 25th 1996, written by Arnold-Baker, London EC4.
"It's time the anti-monarchist myth was scotched that George V persuaded Lloyd George to withdraw his invitation tothe Russian imperial family to come to Britain (Mail.)

The King wanted them to come; Lloyd George obstructed them.

My uncle, Commander Arthur Baker, who was executive officer on HMS Lord Nelson in 1918, told me the ship picked up two imperial grand ducheses at Black Sea ports, on royal orders, but was later ordered by the government to dump them at Oran in French North Africa.

Lloyd George was running scared of Left-wing trade unionism.  In 1920, dockers refused to load the Jolly George with munitions for Poland, then being invaded by the Red Army.  It was not the King who was craven but Lloyd George."

May be the two imperial grand ducheses made there way to Italy?  Did anyone else see this article?

I just thought I might share this with you.


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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2004, 07:48:35 PM »
 Regarding Felix, I truly believe he was a wonderful person, regardless of his excessive passions.
As to whether he was homosexual or not..., well the term has a lot of definitions. From all I've read (his bios, letters and so on), and from my personal experience and backround as someone who likes to try things(...), and has a degree in psychology too, I feel there clearly was a physical attraction from his part for men and for GD Dim in particular.
The question remains : did he ever get into a physical relationship? Well, considering his aristocratic selfishness (and I mean that with no disrespect),and to put it bluntly, I believe he got what he wanted everytime . In the case of the GD at least, I feel he was successful, as they loved eachother very much, and if the GD had refused him in ANY way, Felix's pride would not have standed it, and they wouldn't have remained friends after the GD was exiled.
 Love comes in many forms and I feel he was "blessed with this curse", to quote a favorite author of mine. who are we to judge, after all?? :)


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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2004, 04:18:22 PM »
No one is judging anyone here.. I think your  comment  would be better appreciated in the  "Felix & GD Dimitri" Thread.

Definitely, P Zenaida Yussupova was a also a Tragic figure in  Imperial Russian History, regardless of her wealthy and Flamboyant lifestyle, I think I can Understand  why  women like her and Gran Duchess Vladimir, did not live much longer after the Russian Revolution..but they left their stories, that keep amazing us  up to this day.

Arturo Vega-Llausás


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Re: Princess Zenaida Yusupova - discussion and pictures
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2004, 07:45:17 PM »
I think in exile GD Dmitry and Pr. Iusupov were not precisely in friendly terms.