A very interesting article indeed! I tried looking up more information but wasn't able to

Even tried search spanish sites but nothing...
It would be nice if he could publish those documents. I would love to hear more of his stories about his time with the Yusupov's

While reading the article something that stood out to me, well one of the things was this:
"Contreras also has 14 portraits of the Yusupovs, including one by Ilya Repin. He is most attached to a portrait of Felix Yusupov and his oldest brother, Nikolai Yusupov, by Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky. When Princess Yusupov first offered it to him, remarking on his likeness to Nikolai, the artist refused, fearing that he might share the fate of first-born Yusupovs.
In an eerie pattern that went back centuries, all but one of them died before the age of 26."
I believe we discussed this topic in another thread but it's interesting that it was actually published in an article since we could never really determined how far the pattern went or if it was even true for that matter. Also, another thing is that if you look at the artist, in a strange odd way, maybe it's just me but he does sorta resemble Felix's brother, Nicholas in the eye area...

maybe it's just me.