Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Yussupovs
Felix Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitriy Pavlovitch
I read somewhere that Grand Duke Dimitri Pavlovich Romanov and Prince Felix Yussupov did not remain friends in exile. Did Felix Yussupov and Grand Duke Dimitri Pavlovich Romanov ever saw each other again?.
Does anyone know that reason(s) why the split appart?
It's my understanding that GD Dimitri was upset that Yussupov broke their promise and talked about Rasputin's murder. I don't know if they ever did see each other, but considering the Yussupov's wife was a relative it's certainly possible. Hopefully someone with more knowledge about this can let us know.
Well, I read a letter from GD Dimitri to Felix Yusupov yesterday in the Alexander palace site, and in that letter, GD Dimitri is practicly begging Fellix to write him back. It is obvious they were very close friends, and you can actually feel the closeness between them when you are reading that letter.
Is there any information regarding further contac between them after the revolution??
I red somewhere that Gran Duke Dimitri was in love with Felix's wife (Gran Duchess Irina). Is that true?
And I also red that there were rumors about an homosexual relation between the two. Where can I have that information?
For a very thorough account of the life of Felix Yusupv, his supposed homsexuality (there is contention as to whether he was homosexual, bi-sexual, or just a transvestite), his relationship with the Grand Duke Dimitri Pavelovich, and their relationship after the revolution, and a good account of the murder of Rasputin, try the book "The Man Who Killed Rasputin" by Greg King. King and Penny Wilson have also just written a new book "The Fate of the Romanovs" which captures the day to day life of the imperial family in the House of Special Purpose, and gives a bloody, dramatic account of the murder. In his book on Yusupov King dicusses the question of just who took part in the murder of Rasputin. The Grand Duke is suspected of doing the actual shooting and this was covered up to protect the imperial family, Yusupov taking the blame. It also discusses the fact that the Grand Duchess Elizabeth might have played a more important role than has been mentioned before. New documents indicate that a number of members of the Romanov family were involved in the plot.
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