Nice pics., KarlandZita!

Thank you Margarita!
It's a shame that Kolia never wrote a book about his memories with the Tsarevich.
Yes, Kolia never wrote any book or memories about Alexei, but I read interview on one russian web,and I can post full interview here:
I was a little boy, just 12 years old...I didn't know anything about people's evil.....We lived in Popov house, very close to Ipatiev house. In the middle of summer 1918, I was afraid, and I was preoccupied about Aleksei.I wanted to see him. And, I am sure, he wanted to see me. Until that sad 17th july 1918. My father, Gilliard, Gibbes and other...they knew everything, but I NOTHING....Something terrible was going to happen, but I didn't know what....In the last week of july 1918, I , my father, Gilliard, Gibbes,etc. entered at Ipatiev house.Terrible scene....House was in completelly chaos. Diaries, letters, albums, and others items was all around in house. 'But where is Leskela?'-I asked my father, but I he didn't answe me. Leskela's diary...was taken by one guard,I think his name was Nemetkin,I don't know. But Leonid Sednev....I saw him. He cried. His cried so aloud, so aloud!!!!!
'Papa, where is my Leskela?'-I cried.
'They killed him'-he cried
'they killed tsar, tsarina, and GDs also.All are dead."-said my father.
"I don't understand','where...where are bones'
'We don't know, maybe we'll never discover them'
My world was destroyed.They destroyed Russia, no more illusions...I found Leskela's last letter written to me.Especially one sentence in that letter-'I hug you warmly'-made me so cry..I though 'And I hug you warmly,too, my dear friend, and my tsar...'
I was in shock.In latter years, I think just about him. 'Why did they killed you? In USSR wassn't a little space for my Leskela......We'l be forever friends, my dear tsesarevich....I want to see you just ONE more time, and I can die in peace......So, I feel so sicked, while I wrote this sentences...It is so sad...True is so sad....What do you think about this interview? So sad.....

R.I.P Kolia nd Aleksei, now you are finally together....
More pics. from nena:
baby Tatiana on horse:

Ermakov's grave with note'killer':