i did not come on this site to sway anyones opinion of the dna test. it is your choice to believe it or not to. just as it is mine to beleive the way i do about it. i just stated that i didnt believe the test, which doesnt mean im nuts, and it also doesnt mean i wanted to start an argument about it. i just came here to discuss jack and anna as i knew them and maybe take up for them a little since they have been portrayed so badly by so many. you would do the same for your hometown folks wouldnt you? it is implied by some here that you need professional help for believing anything other than the dna results. know im begining to see how jack and anna felt . and why anna didnt want people around her.
Not "believing" the DNA test does not make you "nuts". It makes you someone who simply does not UNDERSTAND the science of the test. One doesn't need professional help, one simply needs to LEARN the science behind the test, and the nature of the circumstances. The problem is not that people are being mean, so much as they and I, are FRUSTRATED by those who just dismiss the science of the tests with a mere "I don't believe them" without offering any genuine supportive evidence as to WHY the mtDNA test should NOT be belived. It's much like saying "I don't believe the Earth is a sphere" without offering proof as to why the Earth is flat, not round.
You don't belong here because YOU want to impose your views on others (not "share them" as you claim) but do not want to be intellectually challenged about those views. This is indeed a place for challenging factual claims. If you want to be able to "share" thoughts without anyone offering up evidence or proof to the contrary, head on over to Blogger.com, LOTS of fiction over there offered up without evidence or challenge.
You are indeed more than welcome here to share your experiences of the Manahans. I suspect if you stay away from the DNA stuff, noboby will give you a problem, and I for one would make sure they were respectful of you if you did.
I think you need to check your own attitude before accusing others, frankly.