There is also the letter seen by Dominique Auclère from Hans Herman Krampf (Berenberg-Gossler´s colleague) to Gertrude Schanzkowski written 11.4.1959 :" ..... At the confrontation in 1938 you were not the only one who recognized her as your sister. Your brothers and sisters also recognized her but refrained to say so in order not to make any obstacles in her career. After that your sister Maria has died and your brother Valerian lives in Poland. Then only your brother Felix and you remain to be heard at the trial in Hamburg. I also inform you that you have nothing to fear if you told the truth as there is a prescription now." Clearly according to this letter this laywer had contact with at least Gertrude and that he somehow got information that they believed AA was their sister. I may also add that Dominique Auclère was pro AA and sympathetic to her case even if she tried to be objective. She reported from the trials in Hamburg in the late 1950´s and beginning of the 60´s for her newspaper Le Figaro. It was said that Berenberg-Gossler was going to publish his memoires but so far I haven´t seen anything of that. He expressed his respect ot what he called AA´s life achievement. She never gave up in spite of all the difficulties. I believe there is a lot to discover in the archives in Germany if you had the time and possibility to search there.
I fail to see where this letter tells us that Gertrude, Felix or any other members of the FS family has admitted that AA was FS. Yes, it does tell us this man's opinion:
>> At the confrontation in 1938 you were not the only one who recognized her as your sister. Your brothers and sisters also recognized her but refrained to say so in order not to make any obstacles in her career.<<
The first time I read it, it sounded more like to me a person is trying to convince members of FS family to admit something publicly at long last.
A person who is trying to tell the family that they will not be libel for any costs acquired by AA.
According to Steven, this person was pro-AA. But I have no clue as to who he was/is.
Did this man have any written letters from the FS family to him which actually admitted they thought AA was FS?
If he did, I'm sure they would have been published a long time ago.
SO, I really can't hold much weight on this letter alone.
For all I know, it was just another attempt to convince the family of FS to admitt AA was FS.
Far as I know, the family of FS have never admitted in writting AA was FS.
The outburst which Gertrude had toward AA in the police station is the only time there is a hint that one of the family thought she might have been FS. I'm not sure if this statement isn't just heresay. Was it actually written down by the police? If it was, I'd like to know all the words which surrounded this outburst. Also, from what I understand, Gertrude was "emotional" and "highly strung" and often times these emotions lead her into difficulties within her own family.
Can someone give me more information on this meeting that was arranged by the police and if it was recorded or is it all just heresay kind of stuff?