Author Topic: Memorial Works  (Read 10253 times)

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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2007, 07:36:57 PM »
i wish there were some pictures of the servants!

Trupp, Kharitonov, Demidova, Botkin

thank you :D

was there any picture of leonka?
i know he wasn't in the basement.. but still?

thank you justine!


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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2007, 08:27:00 PM »
I wrote a poem:
"Everything was an evil I dream"
To: Nicholas, Alexandra, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, Alexei, Trupp, Kharitonov, Demidova, Botkin
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Everything was an evil I dream
The blows in the doors to midnight
The cold...
To go down for the stairs
it will already happen
tomorrow the dawn will arrive,
Everything was an evil I dream
The door of the basement on having be opened
The paper tapestry to stripes
Both chairs in the center
it will already happen
tomorrow the dawn will arrive,
Everything was an evil I dream
the men entering the room
"the Executive committee of Ural had decided to shoot you".
the confusion, the shouts
the minutes that became hours
it will already happen
tomorrow the dawn will arrive,
When opening the eyes watched a beautiful garden
the white flowers in his to go and to come
the song of the birds
the flight of the butterflies
they gave the welcome them
they felt a beautiful peace
and taken from the hands
they walked together towards the Eden that waited for them
it is already a new morning...

Beautiful poem, Historybuff_262
The video and the pictures they are an excellent work, Isa and Emily


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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2007, 11:23:33 PM »
AMANDA!!  :'(

that was beautiful!
such lovely poems!
you are going to make me cry :)

thank you


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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2007, 03:31:03 AM »
I've worked all day on this one here. Holly gave me some screencaps from Romanovy and I made portrait of their final moments. I'm sorry if it comes off as disturbing...



Nicholas Alexandrovich
Alexandra Feodorovna
Alexei Nicholaievich
Olga Nicholaievna
Tatiana Nicholaievna
Marie Nicholaievna
Anastasia Nicholaievna

Eugene Botkin
Anna Demidova
Alexei Trupp
Ivan Kharitonov

Though shall be missed even 89 years later and never forgotten.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 03:34:01 AM by NAOTMAA Fan »

Offline Vive_HIH_Aleksey

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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2007, 04:18:46 AM »
Some time ago I posted a tribute to Aleksei on youtube, I've since made two other versions and am working on a hopwfully much improved third. I intended to work on it the 17th and I did but ran into a rut when some of the video clips wouldn't fit right with the music, so I have to sort of add more music to it (you'll see when it's finished). Anyway, I hope to have it finished by Aleksei's 103rd birthday. WISH ME LUCK cause I'll need it!
Hatred – this is a disgusting feeling. Yes, there is sport gambling, there is a striving to win. But to hate someone – this is awful! I think, that first of all you have to learn to respect your rival. -- Evgeni Plushenko


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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2007, 12:41:16 PM »
such a good picture keegan ;)

such a powerful story

Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2007, 02:20:20 PM »
I thought I should put  grand duchess ella my favorite romanov who was murdered on July 18,1918! :)

Ella it was July 18, 89 years ago,
we walked in a garden, talking gracefully together
you were being very nice and freindly to me
we talked about the greatness of Christ
everything was so gorgous and magnificent
every time I thought of you
I would always see you in gardens
but, it was only a dream
somehow it was realy you talking to me
you look so beautiful like a angel
I thought you were the most beautiful saint I ever seen.
flying above us so high in the sky in heavens
you are peaceful and caring very well admired
god blessed you so much
love flattered all over everything !
Cherity was very sweet thing for you to do.
you were very thoughtful
many people thank you
eternity is everything
Sadly everthing was dark,
shadows were everywhere
sadness entered many hearts
evilness ruled the world
you were taken and put in a hole
the evil men murdered you
and some others
you were praying and singing
asking god for mercy and love for the world
but, the men came and destroyed everything
there you died and rest peacefully in the heavens
now, your a great saint of Jesus Christ
may god bless you
Ella, you well never be forgotten.
your memories remain alive forever
you may be gone forever
but somehow your there
in spirit
good will always conquer evil forever !

Rest in peace,
my holy and religious saint

« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 02:33:31 PM by Elizabeth~Princess »

Offline Holly

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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2007, 02:39:26 PM »
I'm glad someone likes my poem. :) As requested:
Twenty-three Steps
Twenty-three steps we went down that night.
Crying in pity, not in fright.
Twenty-three steps to meet our doom.
Crowded inside,
a small cellar room.
Twenty-three steps and we were no more.
Twenty-three steps,
and they closed the door.

And here's another I wrote on the 17th, I hope you like it:


Even more cruel
than the stories she read.
For people aren't as kind as they seem.

Even more horrible
than the tales she heard.
For the world isn't quite such a dream.

Even more suffering
than the fables she knew.
For life isn't fair and just.

Even more despair
than the poem she recited.
For in people, you cannot trust.

Four blossoming lives destroyed by hate.
Four innocent children ruined.
Four sinless souls annihalated.
Four naive young women broken.
A family fallen and finished.

"Господь им дал дар по молитвам их размягчать окаменелые наши сердца за их страдания..Мне думается, что если люди будут молиться Царской Cемье, оттают сердца с Божией помощью." -- Coming Soon.

Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2007, 02:51:10 PM »
Holly ! I love your poem 'Gone' it is realy moving and sad but still good. Very emotional. It is so sad the poem when you said 'a family fallen and finished' !  :'(
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 02:54:23 PM by Elizabeth~Princess »


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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #24 on: July 18, 2007, 04:37:59 PM »

Offline Jarian

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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2007, 04:39:04 PM »
Till death do us part
 Nicky and Alix
Till death do us part
for many years together
but till death comes
that means the rest of forever
but its love and true love that
will last forever

(meaning why people say true love lasts forever, and in weddings till death do us part...meaning true love will always and forever be true love)


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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2007, 10:28:29 AM »
I thought I should put  grand duchess ella my favorite romanov who was murdered on July 18,1918! :)

Ella it was July 18, 89 years ago,
we walked in a garden, talking gracefully together
you were being very nice and freindly to me
we talked about the greatness of Christ
everything was so gorgous and magnificent
every time I thought of you
I would always see you in gardens
but, it was only a dream
somehow it was realy you talking to me
you look so beautiful like a angel
I thought you were the most beautiful saint I ever seen.
flying above us so high in the sky in heavens
you are peaceful and caring very well admired
god blessed you so much
love flattered all over everything !
Cherity was very sweet thing for you to do.
you were very thoughtful
many people thank you
eternity is everything
Sadly everthing was dark,
shadows were everywhere
sadness entered many hearts
evilness ruled the world
you were taken and put in a hole
the evil men murdered you
and some others
you were praying and singing
asking god for mercy and love for the world
but, the men came and destroyed everything
there you died and rest peacefully in the heavens
now, your a great saint of Jesus Christ
may god bless you
Ella, you well never be forgotten.
your memories remain alive forever
you may be gone forever
but somehow your there
in spirit
good will always conquer evil forever !

Rest in peace,
my holy and religious saint

lovely.. it almost made me cry  :'(

where did you get that picture?
it matches so perfectly!

Olishka~ Pincess

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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #27 on: July 22, 2007, 07:25:39 AM »

lovely.. it almost made me cry  :'(

where did you get that picture?
it matches so perfectly!
Thank you very much Emily ! :)
I got the picture from here:
« Last Edit: July 22, 2007, 07:28:41 AM by Elizabeth~Princess »

Offline nena

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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2007, 08:43:30 PM »
Great poems.... :D
but sorry, I have no poems to post...All my minds is just ''RIP NAOTMAA, YOU WAS,YOU ARE, AND YOU WILL BE BEST!" :'(
The world lost 7 great persons 89 years ago.....

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Re: Memorial Works
« Reply #29 on: July 23, 2007, 08:49:32 PM »
And, of course, RIP dr.Botkin,Demidova,Trupp,Kharitonov....
Fly,fly, my sweet angel....... :

Always on my minds.....You was unique.....You are now tsar in your heaven-kinkdom, together with your dear sisters and parents,without pains,fright,...You are happy, I am sure, wherever you are :'( :'( :'(
-Ars longa, vita brevis -
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