Alexandra writes to Nicholas on 4/17 March, 1917:
"All 4 [sick ones] are lying in the green room in the dark, Marie & I are writing, scarcely seeing anything with the curtains drawn."
What room might have been called "the green room"? It must be an upstairs room, as I'm quite certain the children were never moved into the Palisander Room/Green Drawing Room during their time with measles. Up to that point, it's clear from reading Lili Dehn's memoirs that the children had been in separate rooms (probably their own bedrooms) during their illness. Could Alexandra be referring to the playroom, which had green painted walls? Or is this a reference to the elusive sickroom we've never been able to pinpoint a location for?
An aside: it seems strange that the children were moved at all at this point in their illness. Only Aleksei appeared to be recovering significantly by March 4/17. The Big Pair were suffering from secondary infections (pericarditis and abcesses in the ears) and Anastasia had become ill only three days previous and was making no progress at all....