Any new info on the illigitimate daughter? I have one, my wife and I decided to "dig in " to my danish family tree for the first time and have been amaised at what we have found out! We both are endevouring to find someone who could help with some info on the following:
My father is Helge Schioler-Linck (Danish) and moved out to East Africa years ago. His mother (my grand mother) was Thorgeat Singer. She had two sisters, Cyrilla and Gulitza Singer, both who never married. These three sisters mother (my great grand mother, We all called her MorMor) was called Hansine Margrethe Singer, who married Hans Sophus Andreas Iversen.
There was a lot of secrecy and very little or no information on my great grandmother, due to the fact that she said only once, that she was the daughter of Princess Thyra.
As far as info goes, my GGM was born in Austria, the amaising thing is that non of her three daughters knew any info on there mother, as this was taboo and never talked about.
ANy one with info on the family SINGER from Austria and links to Thyra?